This bundle includes both critically acclaimed seasons of The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series. The Walking Dead: Season One is a five-part game series set in the same universe as Robert Kirkman’s award-winning series. Play as Lee Everett, a convicted criminal, who has been given a second chance at life in a world devastated by the undead. Experience events, meet people and visit locations that foreshadow the story of Deputy Sheriff Rick Grimes. A tailored game experience – actions, choices and decisions affect how your story plays out across the entire series. The Walking Dead: Season Two continues the story of Clementine, a young girl orphaned by the undead apocalypse. Left to fend for herself, she has been forced to learn how to survive in an unforgiving world. Experience what it’s like to play as Clementine, meet new survivors, explore new locations and make gruesome decisions in this five-part game series of choice and consequence.
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Telltale GamesCopyright
© 2018-2019 Skybound, LLC and/or its affiliates. Based on the Comic book by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard. The Walking Dead is a trademark of Robert Kirkman, LLC.Developed by
Telltale GamesInstallation
Install on your home Xbox One console plus have access when you’re connected to your Microsoft account.Publisher Info
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